How does your garden grow? Once you decide to have a garden area you will definitely want to plant this Italian Late Garlic (Allium sativum ‘Italian Late’)! This Late Garlic is a fabulous way to enjoy a wider variety of Garlic and extend your harvest season at the same time!
Italian Late is a soft-neck variety of Garlic, soft-neck means it does not have the tough flower stalk of hard-neck Garlic that often needs to be removed to encourage bulb development. Soft Necks produce more cloves per bulb as well! The white flowers attract and support bees and butterflies when they bloom as well!
Italian Late’s flavor is robust but not overly hot. The taste is rich and lingers on the palate but can vary depending on the growing conditions. They store well. Hang to dry and once dry they will store well most of the winter, up to six months.
Planting and Application:Versatile in the kitchen for fresh and dried recipes, Garlic grown at home has more flavor and loads more health benefits than storebought! Because who knows how long those bulbs have been stored and shipped around? Boost the flavor and health of your soups and stews, Italian meals, meat dishes and your Garlic bread with Italian Late Garlic cloves!
Plant these space-saving bulbs and their large cloves in your kitchen garden for easy access to flavorful cooking and garnish – because not only are the Garlic cloves edible, but also the leaves, scapes, and flowers too! Tuck in groupings or in rows throughout Herb gardens and are no-brainers for the Veggie garden too! Even container gardeners can grow Garlic in their mixed planters and in containers too!
Very Tasty Variety
Harvest in Late Spring/Early Summer
Soft-Neck Variety
All Parts Edible
Containers, Sunny Gardens & Space-Saving Use
#ProPlantTips for Care:These edible Bulbs are easy to grow. They will grow in a range of climates and soil types. Garlic bulbs need to be planted in a sunny spot with fertile soil. You might need to add some compost if necessary. The area will also need to drain well and avoid standing water for your Garlic. Plant these bulbs outdoors about six to eight weeks before the ground freezes in the fall. If you live in a warmer climate you can plant it as late as early spring. Water less the closer it gets to harvest.
Full Sun
Moderately Moist Well-Drained Soil
Plant in Fall – Harvest in Spring/Summer
Good Storage Life
Low Maintenance & Easy to Grow
Italian Late Garlic bulbs are easy-to-grow and flavorful edible flowering bulbs that your garden is sure to have room for this year! Add loads of flavor to your world and beauty outdoors with this versatile culinary plant from today!
Italian Late Garlic
Italian Late Garlic