Outstanding Flavor, Showy Toro BlueberryNorthern Highbush Blueberry
Taste-Test Winner
Delicious Sweet Berries with Excellent Complexity
Large, Firm Berries
Beautiful Clusters of Sky-Blue Berries
All-Arounder for Fresh Eating, Smoothies, Cooked, Baked or Frozen
Heavy Producer
Showy Toro Bushes Look Great
Spring Blooms Look Like Tiny White and Hot Pink Bells
New Red Stems
Bronze New Growth in Spring
Gorgeous, Dark-Green Summer Foliage
Ultra-Bold Red Fall Foliage
Can Be Used in Container Culture for Small Space Gardens
Bushy, Upright Form
Self-Pollinating, But You’ll Get Larger Yields with a Partner Nearby
Did you know that Blueberry plants are absolutely gorgeous? Toro (Vaccinium corymbosum ‘Toro’) is an especially pretty variety for use in the landscape.
Start the season enjoying warm-bronze colored new foliage and red stems. Watch for developing racemes of hot pink-kissed, white flowers that are shaped like little bells.
Toro’s white blooms feature a hot pink blush. They are an exciting feature you’ll look forward to each year.
After all, the more flowers, the more berries you’ll get to harvest. Plentiful clusters of firm, sky-blue berries develop through the mid-season.
All season, the upright, bushy form is covered in lustrous, dark-green foliage for a pretty picture. Then…look out in fall for brilliant bright red fall color.
Antioxidants, healthy, homegrown fruit, and ornamental features. What’s not to love about this small, showy edible ornamental?
Enjoy an abundant harvest of large, firm blueberries with a rich flavor. Once your Toro is mature, it’s capable of producing up to twenty pounds of fresh berries every year.
Use Toro berries in all ways, from fresh to frozen to smoothies and jams. Their firmness stands up to baking.
Blueberries are packed with vitamin C and high in dietary fiber. Now…add in the knowledge of exactly how your berries were grown, and you are really talking.
Grow your Toro Blueberry bush in the ground in acidic soil. Or, plant this highbush Blueberry in containers for your balcony or deck. Either way, you’ll add a tremendous amount of visual interest and a welcome source of food security.
Order Toro Blueberry and more from the expert growers at Nature Hills. Please, just hurry.
People across the country want to add fruiting plants. Order ASAP!
How to Use Toro Blueberry in the LandscapeEven if you have a tiny lot, or no yard at all, you can grow your own fresh crop of blueberries. Try them in container culture and decorate your deck with spring flowers, blueberries and bright red fall color.
Frankly, Toro is one of the best varieties for ornamental display. Add several in a row to provide a lovely display.
In-ground plants will deliver definition in your landscape plantings. Go for a thoroughly modern look with Toro as a hard-working foundation planting.
Try a row along the back of your Victory Garden. You’ll be so pleased how these attractive bushes easily improve the overall look of your annual veggies.
Create a solid low hedge by planting four to six feet apart on center. Measure from the center of one to the center of the next.
Rely only on Toro, or add an early season and late season Blueberry as pollination partners. While Blueberries are self-pollinating, you might be surprised to see how much more fruit you’ll get with another variety nearby.
Grow Blueberry plants in slightly acidic soil with a pH between 4.5 and 5.5. Add them to a mixed planting with Azalea and Rhododendrons.
If you have alkaline soil, grow Toro as a lovely patio container plant. Blueberries have a shallow root system, so use a wide pot with plenty of drainage holes. Fill it with potting soil designed for acid-loving plants, then mulch with pine bark or pine straw.
#ProPlantTips for CareRead our Garden Blog and watch our YouTube channel for a library of expert, hands-on advice. Our goal is to help you grow high-yield Toro Blueberry bushes for maximum satisfaction.
Blueberries can be grown in either full sun or partial shade. They’ll need at least four hours of sunlight a day.
Well-drained soil is another requirement. If your soil retains water, and you see puddles that remain a long time, create a raised planting bed.
Many people decide that container-grown Blueberries is the way to go. It’s easier to keep the soil at the proper pH in a closed environment.
One way to keep your Blues happy is to use rain water on a regular schedule. Tap water can be too alkaline, so use neutral pH rain collected in a rain barrel.
In late winter before the new growth emerges, prune to correct shape. Remove crossing branches and clean out branches growing into the interior of the plant for plenty of air circulation and sunshine through the canopy.
In early spring, we recommend that you fertilize with a formula for acid-loving plants. Use the application rate listed on the bottle.
We’re sure to sell out of our limited inventory of Toro Blueberry plants quickly. Place your order today!
Toro Blueberry Bush
Outstanding Flavor, Showy Toro Blueberry Northern Highbush Blueberry Mid-Season Taste-Test Winner Delicious Sweet Berries with Excellent Complexity Large, Firm Berries Beautiful Clusters of Sky-Blue Berries All-Arounder for Fresh Eating, Smoothie