Black Gum Tree
Black Gum Tree

Black Gum Tree


Exceptional Fall Color Native Black Gum Showy Tree is Native to North America Great for Accent or Shade Called the Tupelo Honey Tree Tiny Clusters of Flowers Bloom for Months Excellent Nectar-Resource for Pollinators Small Fall Fruit Feeds Songbir

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Exceptional Fall Color Native Black GumShowy Tree is Native to North America
Great for Accent or Shade
Called the Tupelo Honey Tree
Tiny Clusters of Flowers Bloom for Months
Excellent Nectar-Resource for Pollinators
Small Fall Fruit Feeds Songbirds
Outstanding Scarlet, Yellow-Orange and Purple Fall Color
Pyramidal Canopy
Tolerates Light Shade
Glossy Green Foliage
Large Oblong Obovate Leaves Lend Tropical Look
Incredibly Tough Wood with Interlocking Grain
Disease and Pest Resistant
Produce a legacy with a managed landscape of native trees. One of the finest for wildlife and fall color is our magnificent Black Gum (Nyssa sylvatica). It’s also called Sour Gum or Black Tupelo.
This majestic tree is considered by many to be one of our most beautiful native trees. Use it as a shade tree, street tree, or create a lucrative business opportunity with an orchard of Black Gum trees and managed bee hives.
Black Gum tree has outstanding foliage. Five-inch long leaves are glossy dark green on top and pale underneath.
They’ll flash and murmur in the breeze and create a very restful experience. Sling yourself a hammock in their shade to while away a lazy hour or two.
The tree is a wildlife resource…with clusters of tiny, light greenish white flowers that bloom for months in springtime. As you might imagine, beneficial pollinators appreciate the reliable nectar.
If you grow your own food, you should consider adding a Black Gum to shade your outdoor entertainment area. This pollinator-friendly choice will help boost your yields from your Victory Gardens and Backyard Orchards.
Naturalize it near a creek bed or water feature. Or, keep it in a mulched bed underplanted with smaller shrubs like Yew or Distylium.
Cooler fall temperatures bring an incredible color display. The leaves turn a burnished mix of brilliant scarlet, purple, orange and yellow.
This special tree appears to glow in the fall when light shines through the colorful leaves. Plant this deciduous tree where you can enjoy it from multiple vantage points, including indoors.
On a large property, consider using several Black Gums in a curved island bed planting. Gift yourself a handsome vista to enjoy from your deck or patio.
Black Gum is pyramidal when young and then opens with age, The airy, pendulous branch structure catches frost and light snow through winter. Black Gum’s lovely form and textured bark brings a tremendous amount of visual interest.
All Black Gum are honey plants for bees and the small, dark blue fruit attracts birds. Make this spectacular native part of your diverse landscape and support a healthy ecology.
Order Black Gum trees from our native plant experts today!